MK3 also introduced "chain combos", also known as "dial-a-combos" (many other fighting games at the time had similar combo systems).The arcade owner, however, could reset this code by accessing the game's diagnostic menu by hitting a DIP switch within the MK3 cabinet. If the correct code was entered, Smoke would become a permanent playable character on the character select screen. MK3 also introduced the "Ultimate Kombat Kode" which was a 10 digit code that could be entered after a game was over in single player mode.

MK3 introduced " Kombat Kodes" which were 6 digit codes entered at the VS screen in a two player game to modify gameplay, fight hidden characters or display certain text messages.The gameplay of Sheeva performing a combo on Nightwolf in Mortal Kombat 3 at The Bridge stage. This was primarily to address concern from fans who thought that the previous games gave too much of an advantage to the defending player.