The majority of VTOLs rely on Atmospheric Thrusters, the game does not simulate aerodynamics. In Space Engineers, these vehicles are in the same role and purpose as Aircraft and Helicopters.

These vehicles are atmospheric craft designed for surface flight. They showcase Timer Blocks in conjunction with the Autopilot, and other creative solutions involving artificial gravity and space flight. The following trams and shuttles are in use in the Sparks of the Future Scenario. Some of the large vessels provide a Medical Room where the player can respawn, while the small utility vessels help you get started quickly with a Survival Kit. These ships are spawned in certain Custom Games. Turrets on these ships will automatically open fire on players and their ships. They fall into three categories, according to their color scheme and themes of both construction and naming. These PvE ships are spawned with the Cargo Ships option enabled.

Instead of fighting, you have to earn Space credits by completing contracts to obtain these ships. You can “purchase” the following ships in game from the NPC Trading Outposts that are owned by one of the builder factions. These minimalist emergency ships are spawned when the player chooses to spawn upon start or upon death. The blueprints use the latest block shapes from 2023 and are designed in the typical two-coloured Space Engineers style. Analog current-sense amplifiers INA180 - 26V, 350kHz current sense amplifier INA180-Q1 - AEC-Q100, 26V, 350kHz current sense amplifier INA181 - 26V, bi-directional, 350kHz current sense amplifier INA181-Q1 - AEC-Q100, 26V, bi-directional, 350kHz current sense amplifier INA186 - 40-V, bidirectional, high-precision current sense amplifier with picoamp input bias & ENABLE INA186-Q1 - AEC-Q100, 40-V, bidirectional, high-precision current sense amplifier w/ picoamp input bias & ENABLE INA190 - 40-V, bidirectional, ultraprecise current sense amplifier with picoamp IB & ENABLE INA190-Q1 - AEC-Q100, 40V, bi-directional, ultra-precise current sense amplifier w/picoamp IB & ENABLE INA191 - 40V, ultra-precise current sense amplifier with ENABLE and picoamp IB in WCSP INA240-SEP -4 to 80V, ultra-precise current sense amplifier w/ enhanced pwm rejection in space enhanced plastic INA290-Q1 - AEC-Q100, 2.7-V to 120-V, 1.1-MHz, ultra-precise current sense amplifier in small (SC-70) package INA293 -4-V to 110-V, 1.3-MHz, ultra-precise current sense amplifier INA293-Q1 - AEC-Q100, -4-V to 110-V, 1.Need a quick utility ship, fighter, an airlock, a bot, or maybe a whole base? Browse Keen's Official Blueprints library of pre-build ships! Subscribe to your favourites on Steam or Mod.io to load them into your game.