Inclusion and Exclusion during Folder Sync Finally, when you run the sync between the folders, you get exhaustive details of success, failure of each of the operations. A summary of this becomes available in the preview window. It includes folder creation, deletion, overwrites, renames, and so on. When you run the preview mode, you can view all operations. In addition to the names of each folder pair you have created, the left navigation menu will also contain an entry for “All Folder Pairs.” Selecting “All Folder Pairs” allows you to preview or run multiple folder pairs at a time. Later, after this step, you will be asked to name this folder, which will save you from creating the folder pair every time you want to sync these folders. Contribute: While the new and updated files are copied left to right, there is no deletion.Renames and deletes on the left are repeated on the right. Echo: Any new and modified files are copied left to right.Synchronize: It will maintain an exact copy of files in both the folders.

What are the Synchronize, Echo, and Contribute? Once you have created a folder pair, move on and decide what you want to do out of three available options, i.e., Synchronize, Echo, or Contribute. Once you download, install, and launch SyncToy, you get to see a window that asks you to create a folder pair, i.e., define the source and destination folders. Yes, you can configure it further to set up one-way sync, or only act as a contributor and so on. It allows us to set up folders to sync in such a way that any modification in one folder is instantly available on another.

SyncToy is an official software from Microsoft. How to sync folders using SyncToy in Windows 10 It works across the network if permissions are available. While there are cloud services that can do this, but if you are looking at something which is not hooked to the cloud and is pure local sync solution, this tool is perfect. Synchronizing a folder pair is required pretty often, especially if you download a lot or you work on multiple computers. SyncToy is an excellent tool, which allows you to sync folders in Windows 10 in few clicks.